Thomas Catlaw

Thomas is a sound artist, field recordist, and musician
based in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert on the
ancestral lands of the O’Odham (known as the Pima),
Piipaash (known as the Maricopa), and their ancestors. 

Other Stuff

Current Logo PA Theory_sq_lg.png

PA Theory Network

During my academic career I was most substantively involved in public administration research through the Public Administration Theory Network, for whom I served as Chair of the Board of Directors (2018-2019) and journal editor (2008-2011). The Network is committed to a critical understanding of public administration in society and are vital voice in the field.


Friends of the Tempe Public Library

I love libraries. They are among the last truly public spaces in our increasingly privatized and market-segmented society. I served for several years on the Board of the Friends, which has driven and helped to finance important projects at the Library.


Contemporary Native American Art

The image above is of an encaustic painting by the brilliant Mechoopda – Maidu printmaker Jacob Meders. I have been a student and collector of contemporary Native American art since we moved to Arizona in 2003. It has been a gateway to learning from and engaging with the dynamic and resilient worlds of North America's native peoples.  I've learned, to paraphrase Paul Chaat Smith, that everything that I knew about Indians was wrong.

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