Thomas Catlaw

Thomas is a sound artist, field recordist, and musician
based in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert on the
ancestral lands of the O’Odham (known as the Pima),
Piipaash (known as the Maricopa), and their ancestors. 

"Montezuma Well" recording and sound article

I finished up a fun project focused on “Montezuma Well” near Rimrock, AZ. It features a serendipitous field recording made at this remarkable natural spring and sinkhole in July 2024 and a voice over describing the important geological and cultural features of the site. The recording will come out sometime through the Wildlife Sound Recording Society’s sound magazine. There’s an accompanying article that hopefully will be published in their journal sometime this year. All this was inspired by a fantastic guided tour of the Well by Larry Stevens from the Museum of Northern Arizona and the Spring Stewardship Institute. But you can have a sneak-preview listen here!

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